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Axe Throwing Leagues 

We have an axe league for everyone. Join us for awesome prizes and great fun!

League Details

  • Sign-up for the league is during the league practice weeks Deadline is January 28th

o   League Start is February 13th- April 7Th (8weeks)

o   League Meeting is February 12th @ 6pm No longer than 20-30min to explain rules and get everyone signed up

o   League Party is after last week of league

o   You may play any time you want within each week. 

  • Teams will play a nine-hole 2-person 

o   Mulligans: 2/person per week

o   Limit 4 person per bay ​

Rules and Scoring


League play will last roughly an hour and a half starting at 5pm. Axes will be supplied by Tbox. Each lane will house 2 teams that will alternate throws. Subs are allowed.


Head-to-Head: Each week, each team competes against assigned team with points totaling for team being tracked. 

Total Points: Each week, individual or team competes against ever person in the league with scoring bases on 4 matches and 5 throws each match. 

League Schedule 2024/2025

Summer 1 (May 1-June 19) 


Summer 2 (July 11-Aug 29)

Fall (Sep 19-Nov 7) 


Winter (Dec 5-Jan 30)Includes a holiday bye week


Spring (Feb 20-Apr 10)


League Cost

League Entry Fee: $40/person

Simulator Time: $20/person (includes drink)


League Prizes

Pay outs to the top finishers will be awarded at the end the league party. The top teams will be entered into a championship round with separate pay outs. All other teams who didn’t make the championship round will be competing for additional prizes. 

League Party and Championship Rounds to be determined. 

Total Points League

Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, or Sun 

Individual scoring, 4 matches with 5 throws 


Every Thursday night from 5pm-10pm

Team scoring, 4 matches with 5 throws


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